FAQ - Importing users from CSV file to WebEdition
How to import user data from a CSV file to WebEdition?
It is possible to import user data from a CSV file to WebEdition using DataMigrationTool (DMT). The tool is available
here for download, its compatible with R10.x version.
The tool has been pre-configured to accept CSV input file located at “C:\TBS\migration.csv” and import the users to TBS database (default .\SQLEXPRESS instance). If different settings are required, then the file ‘DataMigrationTool.exe.config’ has to be edited accordingly.
The migration tool accepts the CSV input file in following format - 'migration.csv' (attached) , 'migration-with-avatars.csv'(attached).
The UserID field is mandatory and has to be unique.
IMPORTANT: If there are clients already connected to server during migration, then they have to be manually synchronized by performing Reload DB from BioManager. Its required because DMT is adding the users directly to TBS database without creating any transactions to clients. The DMT is intended to be used only at project start to migrate existing users. If continuous user migration is desired, then it has to be programmatically performed using server web services which will automatically synchronize new users to client. Please contact TBS support for further information regarding web services if required.
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