FAQ - System upgrade rules and recommendations
This article explains in simple terms the requirements when upgrading the individual components in TBS system. Refer to
Compatibility Matrix for further details.
1. Upgrading to WebEdition R10.5 or newer
- None. The server is backward compatible and supports all old client versions.
- Its strongly recommended to upgrade to latest official EnrollClient 10 and 2.xx FW to support latest hardware and take advantage of advanced features and stability fixes.
2. Upgrading EnrollClient EC4 to EC10
- WebEdition must be R8.2 or newer.
- Terminal FW must be 2.08.x or newer - to support the new biometric template types generated from EC10.
3. Upgrading Firmware from 1.xx to 2.xx
- WebEdition must be R8.2 or newer.
- Its strongly recommended to upgrade to latest R10.x to support new Remote Enrollment using DCC among other advanced features.
- If Server is R8.2, then 'Internal Control API' should be enabled in DeviceConfig under Maintenance - Security. Note its a security risk to enable it.
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