HowTo - Install and configure Wiegand Interface

HowTo - Install and configure Wiegand Interface

This article describes the procedure how to install and configure Wiegand interface on TBS devices. 


All TBS devices offer Wiegand output directly on board (ports 'Wiegand Out1 / Out2').

Typically, connection of the output ports on TBS device with the input lines on external 3rd party controller needs to be done this way:

All TBS devices
Wiegand OUT

3rd Party Controller
Wiegand IN

D0 (Out 1)


D1 (Out 2)




This connection is based on previous installations but cannot be guaranteed because it strongly depends on controller type!

In case of other connection scheme please inform TBS support by naming controller type and manufacturer.

If wiring is correct and Wiegand signal is not received correctly, the reason could be different ground levels on sender and receiver. Please connect ground lines as well in this case.


Supported Wiegand formats

The Wiegand interface is supported by most control panels on the market and marks the lowest integration level with the TBS subsystem. It is a point-to-point unidirectional 2-wire connection from TBS device to external panel.

Its main disadvantage is the missing back channel. An intelligent controller is not able to authorize a transaction from TBS device, unless it uses additional IO lines (TBS offers such IO authorization feature in device firmware, please contact TBS support for more information).

Wiegand 26bit and 37bit standard formats are supported. The Wiegand timing is usually not critical and modern receivers can self-synchronize on the sender. TBS devices send Wiegand data with ~2ms pulse intervals, each pulse having a length of ~50μs.

26 bit Format:

Wiegand 26bit format

37 bit Format:

Wiegand 37bit format

These rules apply:


26bit Wiegand

37bit Wiegand

Max. Facility Code

255 (8 bit)

65536 (16 bit)

Max. User ID

65536 (16 bit)

524278 (19 bit)

Leading Parity Bit (1)

linked to the first 12 data bits (Facility Code + 4 leading User ID bits)

linked to the first 18 data bits (Facility Code + 2 leading User ID bits)

Trailing Parity Bit (2)

linked to the last 12 data bits (12 trailing User ID bits)

linked to the last 18 data bits (18 trailing User ID bits)

(1) When the parity of the data bits is in sum odd, the leading parity bit is set to '1' (to make the 13-bit total come out even)

(2) When the parity of the data bits is in sum even, the trailing parity bit is set to '1' (to make the 13-bit total come out odd)

If the configured ID is higher than maximum value, then the ID is not transmitted to ensure data integrity.


In DeviceConfiguration, go to menu 'Settings', click on 'Result Output' and activate the slider for 'Wiegand'.

The submenu 'Wiegand' appears in the left menu bar. Click on it to configure your project settings.
Wiegand configuration
In case bigger IDs are desired to be transmitted, then configure custom 37-bit and assign the required number of bits for ID as shown below.

In the above example ID bits count is set to 27 bits, then the max value is 134217728 (2^27).

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